Calling Fact or Fiction on the Biggest Rumors Buzzing Around the NHL

June 22nd, 2013 by Franklin Steele Leave a reply »
The 2013 Stanley Cup Final has been an epic battle so far, and the only thing we know for certain at this point is that either the Boston Bruins or Chicago Blackhawks will be champions by the end of the week.

That means the draft will suddenly be upon us, and trade rumors that started out as breezy could turn into hurricanes before our very eyes. Some of these rumblings have been going on for the better part of 2013, while other whispers have started over the last week or so.

NHL offseasons are always chock-full of action. The upcoming couple of months are made all the more interesting by the added element of the compliance buyout. It's impossible to know every player that will be a free agent, because it could literally be anyone.

Some courses of action are much more likely than others, however. We aren't going to see the Pittsburgh Penguins buy out Sidney Crosby, and there won't be any ridiculous trade attempts involving coaches either.

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