The Game 5 That Changed NBA History

May 19th, 2010 by Steve Byerly Leave a reply »
Going into the 2010 NBA Playoffs the consensus was that the Lakers and Cavaliers would face off in the Finals to determine this years crown. 

There was the occasional scribe or announcer that mentioned the outside possibility of the Orlando Magic representing the Eastern Conference but that was the end of it. Not only one was no one else given a chance, they weren't even mentioned by name.

Lebron James, or the King as pundits enjoy calling him, was the NBA's second coming.

The only argument anyone gave was the possibility that Kobe Bryant may still have enough in his tank to challenge "The King" for the throne of the NBA's best player. The fans at the "Q" chanted "MVP, MVP, MVP" almost every time James touched the ball during the short first round series versus the Chicago Bulls and again during game 1 of the second round against the Boston Celtics.

It was as if everyone had had a glass of the proverbial Kool Aid.

Enter the Celtics. 

Although this championship squad, only one season removed, has a seasoned lineup of at least three future Hall of Fame inductees they were simply an afterthought.&nb ...

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