2010 NBA Draft Ads: Linking Prospects To Potential Endorsement Deal

June 25th, 2010 by Zach Dillard Leave a reply »
Thanks to salary caps and luxury fees in today’s League, there is one place is where the real money is located in the National Basketball Association in 2010 — endorsement deals. But besides the money, advertising has helped shaped our perception of certain athletes, even up to changing the very fabric of society in some instances. Advertising is a decisive factor as to how Michael Jordan became so ingrained into our day-to-day lives, why Charles Barkley has had a longer shelf life in the spotlight than a superior player like Hakeem Olajuwan, why many have become annoyed with Lebron James, and why at one point our only position on Spike Lee’s career was: “Who’s the dork that gets to hang out with MJ?” It is a tad important. So this makes last night’s NBA Draft important for reasons off of the basketball court as well, as many companies get their first look on national television at players’ style, personality, charisma, sense of humor, or any number of assorted factors that go into extending an offer to professional athletes in today’s market. Little was it discussed by Jay Bilas, Chad Ford, and the ESPN gang, but the Garden ...

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