Toronto Maple Leafs: Four Keys To Improve the Power-Play and Make the Playoffs

November 30th, 2010 by Brad LeClair Leave a reply »
The Leafs rank as one of the worst offensive teams in the NHL, and one of the worst teams on the power-play.

My feeling on the Leafs' power-play is simple—and it's saying they miss Dion Phaneuf. The power-play is anemic for a simple reason, the team is far too small to ever be successful on the power-play.

That's only a small reason though.

The power-play, and not the penalty kill, is the direct reason why the Leafs just plain suck this year. You improve the power-play, the Leafs will be a playoff team—just my opinion.

The holes on the power-play have a direct correlation to the the Leafs overall team struggles. To improve the team, GM Brian Burke should look no further than looking the at teams' power-play and try and improve it that way.

I have three keys to building the Leafs into the power-play through the power-play.

Key One

Acquire that first-line center the team desperately needs

This can be done either via trade or free-agent signing. It's obvious right now, the Leafs cannot win draws at any good rate. When the team had Mike Zigomanis in the lineup, they seemed to ...

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