Toronto Maple Leaf Parade Planners and Pittsburgh Penguin Bridge Jumpers

October 14th, 2010 by Mark Rose Leave a reply »
So sitting around my local watering hole today, I just happen to overhear the following conversation between two hockey fans.

One, beaming with a Wendel Clark jersey, is obviously a Leafs fan.  The other, looking sullen and oozing of melancholy, was a Pittsburgh Penguins fan.  Two teams certainly going in opposite directions, and two fan bases that are overreacting, well lets just say, substantially.

Lucky for me, I have a great memory and can recall the entire conversation.  It went a little something like this:

Leafs Fan:  Man, did you see that game last night!?  The Leafs are 3-0!  

Pens Fan: Yeah, I saw it.  I can't believe how awful everything in my life is right now.  Do you have any uppers or know where the closest bridge is?

Leafs Fan: No.  But you know who is great?  CLARK MACARTHUR!  He has four goals!  I bet he scores 50, at least.

Pens Fan: You are just lucky that we have the worst goalie in the history of anything, and he just can't stop a beach ball and we should just trade him and start Brent Johnson every single game from here on in. & ...

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