To Canucks Mike Gillis, Am I Missing Something?

December 10th, 2009 by Larry Johnson Leave a reply »

Written by: Larry “The Nucks IceMan” Johnson

Let me take the time to explain a little background, about my take on coaching.  As a coach at any level, you are constantly working with many varied individuals and their personalities. Some you get along with, some you don’t. 

A team is made up of many players molded into certain roles. Some have naturally gifted talent, others are more physical, while others more workman like.  You try to put them in positions and circumstances where they will be successful.

The common theme is always about the team, as in “the strength of the wolf is in the pack”.  In working with these individuals you establish a certain bonding and want them to be “the best that they can be”. 

At every level I would expect it is the same, it just is magnified “x” percentage as you progress up towards the professional level, and the importance then becomes winning.  To see any of your players get injured or pushed around due to the physical nature of the game, is hard at times being behind the bench, because there’s nothing you can do.  

Now a tidbit about Canucks Co ...

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