Ranking the NHL Teams with Salary Cap Issues Beyond 2014-15

September 3rd, 2014 by Lyle Richardson Leave a reply »

With the start of a new NHL season only a month away, all but four teams have payrolls under the $69 million salary cap. Those four (Boston Bruins, Chicago Blackhawks, Philadelphia Flyers and Tampa Bay Lightning) will either shed salary via trades, demotions or by placing injured players on long-term injured reserve to become cap compliant.

Several NHL clubs also face significant cap issues beyond this season. Even if the salary-cap ceiling increases for 2015-16, these teams could be scrambling to find sufficient cap room to build or maintain competitive rosters.

The teams on this list face difficult choices. They could trade away salaried players to free up cap space for more affordable moves. They also risk losing some talent to free agency next summer. The moves these teams make between now and next summer could also affect their efforts to re-sign players eligible for free agency in 2016.

Here's a look at eight NHL clubs facing salary-cap issues beyond this season. Factors such as the number of free agents, availabl ...

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