NHL 2010: Why the Biggest Threat to NHL Dynasties Is the Salary Cap

October 6th, 2010 by Chris Bennett Leave a reply »
Level playing field. The phrase is the anthem of small-market teams and their fans who look at the Yankees of the sports world and see what they wish they had; money.

Unlike baseball, the NHL has a different problem, and that is how to keep a team together when restricted by a tight salary cap. Case and point would be the defending champions Chicago Blackhawks. After putting together an impressive team that won the Stanley Cup, upper management was faced with the daunting task of trying to keep the nucleus of the team together. What Chicago is left with is the big two (Toews, Kane) but the loss of key secondary parts that are so crucial to a champion team. Is it possible to win back to back championships anymore? I don't think so.

Gone from the windy city are two players that arguably where the reason Chicago won the cup. Postseason hero Dustin Byfuglien is gone and so are his playoff leading 11 playoff goals, five of which were game winners. He's off to Atlanta. Off to San Jose is Antti Niemi, the rookie who no one thought could be a reliable number one playoff goaltender. Both players are not on the same level as the Kanes or Toews, but they are ...

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