NHL 2.0: The Top 10 Hockey Podcasts

December 7th, 2010 by Bobby Brooks Leave a reply »
As new media continues to mesh with traditional media, hockey fans are constantly looking for more sources of information and entertainment to quench their thirst for the game.  Gone are the days of sitting in front of the TV waiting for the highlights or listening to talk shows on live radio. 

Whether it is Twitter, NHL.com gamecasts or recording your favorite team on Tivo, fans are experiencing hockey like never before.  It has now become a fan controlled and driven market, and people now have the ability to tailor their passion for all things hockey around their lives, rather than the other way around.

Therefore, I thought it would be a good idea to provide 10 more sources of hockey talk for fans to put on their iPod or download onto their computers.  Podcasts are quickly becoming a great way to get your hockey fix on your way to work or school.  If you prefer to listen to them on your treadmill or running errands, podcasts are great for that, too. 

Without further ado, here are the top 10 hockey podcasts for your listening pleasure...

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