How to Reignite the Passion for NHL Hockey in the United States

December 4th, 2012 by Steve Silverman Leave a reply »
Poor leadership and greed have put the sport of hockey in a position to fail.

The NHL lockout is threatening to destroy the progress the sport has made since 2004-05 labor stoppage.

Hockey is particularly vulnerable in the United States. It is a popular sport, but it is clearly fourth among major league professional sports, well behind the NFL, Major League Baseball and the NBA.

When commissioner Gary Bettman and the owners lock out the players, it causes a lot of pain for die-hard hockey fans.

However, casual fans concentrate on football, basketball and college sports. They turn elsewhere and don't give the NHL lockout a thought.

So with each passing week, hockey digs itself a deeper hole.

When the lockout is over, hockey's leadership is going to have to take action to rebuild the sport in the United States.

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