Detroit Red Wings: Still No Telling If Playoff Hopes Are Fantasy or Reality

February 16th, 2013 by Matt Hutter Leave a reply »
Ambiguity, applied to any state of affairs, is pure torture.

Whether you're waiting to hear about a job, a family member's prognosis or just how much you'll be shelling out to that mechanic to get your car back on the road, the waiting is worse than knowing.

It would be easier to know, today, that you didn't get the job, your loved one is not long for this world or the mechanic's bill exceeds your bank balance than to wait for better news tomorrow.

Even when the news is bad, there is comfort in knowing the waiting is over.

So, given the current state of affairs of the Detroit Red Wings, it would be easy, even comforting, to simply accept the fact that this team will miss the playoffs for the first time in 21 years.

It would be easy, but not fair.

Sure, one could point to the abysmal special teams play, the spotty scoring, the shaky defense, the ever-spreading rash of injuries and the dramatically shortened season as overwhelming evidence for the fact that this team has no chance of making the playoffs.

But if these are the factors at play, basing such drastic opinions on them is foolhardy, if not unfair.
Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - NHL
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