Detroit Red Wings: Kirk Maltby Deserves To Go Out As a Red Wing

October 6th, 2010 by Matt Hutter Leave a reply »
Sentimentality is a funny thing.

Someone might watch Old Yeller 100 times and never come close to thinking about shedding a tear at any time, not even when the poor old pooch is about to be put out of his misery (sorry, should I have put 'spoiler alert' at the top of that sentence).

Others well up with tears upon mention of the title alone.

Some people get weepy looking through old pictures, or home movies.  Others view them as little more than dust traps taking up space.

Sometimes, a thought or event you never even considered before comes up and, suddenly, alarmingly, you get hit with an emotional knuckle-sandwich to the gut.

The thought of Kirk Maltby playing in a sweater other than that of the Red Wings did that to me.

For those that haven't been following along, here's the story to date:

Maltby wasn't offered a contract until very late in the summer and, when the offer did come, it was a two-way deal that would almost assuredly guarantee him starting the season in the AHL.

He reluctantly accepted, with the knowledge that maybe, just maybe, he'd have a shot at staying with the te ...

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