Can You Boo Carey Price and Still Be a Habs Fan?

September 23rd, 2010 by Kamal Panesar Leave a reply »
Montreal, QC—The topic of the day in Montreal and around the NHL today is the booing that Habs goaltender Carey Price received during the Canadiens' preseason loss to the Boston Bruins last night.

I watched the game from the comfort of my living room couch and was doing live, in-game tweets while all of this was going on. Once Price let in the first goal—93 seconds into the game—you could see a shift in the sentiments being expressed through the Twitterverse.

While a small minority jumped all over Price for letting in a bad goal, the majority started to wonder how long it would take before the real boo-birds came out.

More importantly, however, many came to Price's defense, explaining that it was only a preseason game and to give him a break.

That, to me, was a welcome sight.

I have to admit that even before turning on the television, I was wondering to myself how long it would take before the fans started booing Price.

After all, he is the one left standing after GM Pierre Gauthier traded playoff hero Jaroslav Halak to the Blues this summer. Sure, fans fell in love with Halak and many felt that Price should have been the ...

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