Bruins-Canadiens: The Boston Bruins and Their Graciousness in Montreal

December 5th, 2009 by Steve Anderson Leave a reply »

Last night, I turned on the television to watch the Bruins get eaten up by a mediocre Montreal Canadien team, and my first thought hasn’t changed—even after I slept on it.


The Bruins have finally snapped out of their win one-lose one first quarter of the regular season and began putting together a string of wins which sent them soaring to the top of the division in short order.


I never had a problem with them playing mediocre hockey early on...we still had to deal with the Lucic and Savard injuries which I was hoping to avoid, but let’s be honest...wouldn’t you, as a Boston Hockey Fan, want your team to stay competitive and HEALTHY (for the most part) through the first half of the season, and then light it up as we creep closer to the playoff stretch?


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