2010-11 NHL Season Preview: Phoenix Coyotes Howling Mad

October 2nd, 2010 by Benjamin Benya Leave a reply »
As part of a continuing series, writer Benjamin Benya will be previewing all 30 NHL teams over the next two weeks in preparation for the 2010-11 regular season.

Out West, we're with the Phoenix Coyotes.

Key Additions:

LW Ray Whitney, LW Andrew Ebbett, C Eric Belanger.

Key Subtractions:

D Zbynek Michalek, D Jim Vandermeer, C Matthew Lombardi, C Joel Perrault, C Petteri Nokelainen, C Daniel Winnik, RW Jared Staal.

Amidst a whirlwind of uncertainty and fear, last season saw the biggest surprise in the NHL come from the Phoenix Coyotes. The Yotes set franchise records in head-to-head competition and, had it not been for an unfavorable first-round matchup against the Detroit Red Wings, they likely would have made a bigger splash in their first playoff appearance in seemingly forever.

But as the winds of change stir, the Coyotes were faced with several difficult decisions on how to sustain their incredible success and hopefully turn a profit in the Valley of the Sun for the 2010-11 season. Gone are several role players and a star defenseman who made it all happen; in their place are a new hope and promise that the team has ...

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