10 Stranger-Than-Fiction Moments in NHL History

August 26th, 2013 by Brad Kurtzberg Leave a reply »
We've all heard the expression, "stranger than fiction." Well, the NHL is full of stories that fit that description. Here is a look at 10 stranger-than-fiction moments in NHL history.

There are plenty of reasons that a given moment can make this list. Sometimes the incident is just plain strange. Sometimes the odds of it happening are just astronomical. Other times, the story just doesn't fit into typical hockey lore or culture.

There are few ground rules for this list. First, the event has to be an NHL moment. If it happened in the WHA, the minors or in the Olympics it cannot qualify. Obviously, the incident also has to be true. If it's a made up story then it's not stranger than fiction; it is fiction.

There are many possible events that can be put on this list. Feel free to chime in with any you feel belong that I may have omitted. As always, mention why you feel your choice deserves a spot on this list.

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