The NBA’s 10 Costliest Injuries This Season

March 24th, 2010 by Casey Womack Leave a reply »
Let's be honest. The word 'injury' probably isn't on anyone's top 10 list of favorite words in the dictionary. There is absolutely not one positive thing that comes out of getting injured besides possibly picking up girls at the bar out of sympathy. After that, what positive thing do they do for us? The word definitely doesn't have many fans in the NBA community. If your team's name and the word 'injury' end up in the same sentence, it doesn't mean anything good. Ever. You can take that to the bank. Sadly, it's a word that Portland and the Clippers are extremely used to hearing. This year, many teams have had to have that same issue as their season has been a disappoint because of the awful word. A few teams have had to change the total direction of the team because a key player on the team is or had been injured. However, there are 10 very key injuries that have occurred that have been detrimental to the team's success this season. Sure, some may not have been significant as another, but that's why somebody invented the ranking system. Let's take a look at the top 10 costliest injuries from this season. Begin Slideshow


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