The Dallas Mavericks of NBA's Western Conference Southwest Division have one of the most talented group of veterans in the league. They're also one of the older and most experienced teams.
Not long ago, I had said these guys didn't have any upside. It was just an attempt to make a case for some talented young guys.
But every one of these players has the ability and more important, a reason to improve. They're shooting for the stars this year. They can see they are close to their goal and they're going to work to get there.
"For that for the sake of which a thing is, is its principle, and the becoming is for the sake of the end; and the actuality is the end, and it is for the sake of this that the potentiality is acquired. For animals do not see in order that they may have sight, but they have sight that they may see." Aristotle, Metaphysics IX 1050a 5–10
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Article written by J Anderson
The Dallas Mavericks Have Untapped Potential In Veterans and Coach
August 14th, 2010 by J Anderson Leave a reply »