The Best and Worst of the NBA Playoffs

May 8th, 2010 by Matt Petersen Leave a reply »
It's a love-hate thing. You can love the drama of the NBA Playoffs, but you can also hate some of the drama found therein. The best things are why you keep watching, even if it is grudgingly after your team has been ousted. The worst things make your hand twitch towards the remote, or even walk away momentarily until they pass. The good makes you go "Did that just happen?!" The bad makes you say the same thing, or maybe "Not again..." In short, the playoffs are a microcosm of everything that's right and wrong with the NBA under a nationally viewed microscope. With some things, you want to be that close. With others, you'd rather they just go away completely. Here's a look at the best and worst of the NBA Playoffs.Begin Slideshow


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