Pending NBA Free Agency: Forget Loyalty, It’s the Ring That Matters

February 21st, 2010 by Harrison Moore Leave a reply »

When a great player is drafted by a team that endures hardships and failures year in and year out, it always makes for a heart-warming ending when the team finally wins a Championship.

The problem now is that people expect that ending. Players like LeBron James and Dwayne Wade both have received far too much criticism for essentially holding their team’s management over a barrel in their quest to secure a Championship.


In LeBron’s case, turning down management’s contract extension has done wonders to make GM Danny Ferry share his sense of urgency. You hear it in Ferry’s voice whenever he talks about keeping LeBron, you see it in the way he chases down free agents like a hound would a mailman, almost as if to say “look at us LeBron, we’re really, really trying. Please don’t leave…We’re nothing without you.”

Dwayne Wade already won a Championship in 2006, but the NBA ...

Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - NBA
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