NBA Preseason 2010-2011: Top 10 Biggest Misconceptions

October 10th, 2010 by Ethan S Leave a reply »
Sometimes NBA fans place too much emphasis on the preseason. Player injuries can seem catastrophic, and observers tend to jump on the bandwagon of top-performing teams in these early games.

The preseason is a great opportunity for teams to try out new lineups and players and to mesh new offensive and defensive sets. I like to consider this time of year as an experiment.

But one must remember that before success can be achieved, failures are often a necessary part of the process. Thomas Edison failed hundreds of times before he was successful in inventing the incandescent light bulb.

Similarly, Michael Jordan once said that he failed over and over again, which is why he succeeded.

So if expected top teams and players are under-performing, there is no need for fans to start worrying yet. So much can happen between now and next April when the NBA playoffs begin.

But in the meantime, here are 10 of the biggest misconceptions I have often heard over the past few weeks as the preseason has gotten underway.

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