LeBron James: Is He Officially the Most Arrogant Player in Sports?

August 17th, 2010 by Justin Norman Leave a reply »
In the most recent edition of GQ is a LeBron James interview, where the Miami Heat star had some perplexing comments regarding his time in Cleveland.

James admitted that he understood that a lot of Cleveland fans would be hurt by his decision, but that Cavs owner Dan Gilbert's letter to LeBron after "The Decision" gives him a lot of motivation for when the Heat play his former team. That's understandable.

But James also added that growing up in Akron (which is 40 miles away from Cleveland), his friends and him actually hated Cleveland growing up.

Translation: I don't owe anything to Cleveland; it's not really my home. 

LeBron went on to say that Cleveland fans were "awesome", followed by quite possibly the most arrogant comment I have ever heard from a player so far detached from reality.

"But I mean, even my family gets spoiled at times watching me doing things that I do, on and off the court."

Even his family is spoiled by his presence.

So let me get this straight, LeBron actually hates Cleveland, and the fans too are spoiled for what he gave them. Which, at the end of the day, was no NBA cha ...

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