Knicks Are Surging, But Is New York Really Ready to Contend for NBA Title?

December 17th, 2010 by Teddy Mitrosilis Leave a reply »
When LeBron James struts into Madison Square Garden this evening with the rest of his Miami Heat teammates, the fervor and electricity will be palpable.

Unlike Cleveland a few weeks ago, most of the peanut gallery clamor won’t be spiteful towards James.

Oh sure, there will be taunts and tawdry remarks from liquored-up New Yorkers who possess as much disdain for James and the Heat as anybody else. 

This, after all, is a city and a team that clipped its hopes and desires onto James’ coattails only to watch him opt for the warm water of South Beach instead of the icy winters of New York.

But this isn’t LeBron and The Lions Den, or whatever he walked into when he returned to Ohio for the first time as something other than a Cleveland Cavalier.

No, this is different.

This is about the excitement surrounding the Knicks, a sentence generally so implausible that even the keys ask, “Are you sure you want to write that?” when you begin to peck away at them.

Yes, for the first time in a long time, we can write that sentence and believe it.

Behind Amar’e Stou ...

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