Isiah Thomas: Why New York Knicks Fans Should Disregard Thomas Hire

August 7th, 2010 by Keith Schlosser Leave a reply »

Isiah Thomas is known to Knicks fans as the man who crumbled the franchise’s reputation to pieces. He can be now be known, however, as part-time team consultant.

After weeks of rumors that Thomas had been influential during the Knicks’ summer recruitment of Amare Stoudemire, and of course LeBron James, the team gave him an official title for what he may or may not have already been doing for the Knicks.

A "consultant’s" role can be extremely limited in many cases as it is, so it is difficult to imagine that Thomas will have any type of major impact as a "part-time" one. He will also retain his coaching position at Florida International University while taking on duties with the Knicks.

The legality of such an arrangement is currently under review by the NBA.

While the mere thought of Thomas returning to the Knicks (in any capacity), after he left the team in such an embarrassing position, is hard to swallow, fans should not be too alarmed.

The hiring seems more like a personal favo ...

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