Crowning Deron Williams Over Chris Paul: Do NBA GMs Know Best?

October 8th, 2010 by rich fernandes Leave a reply »
Every year before the actual season begins, GMs from around the league tally their votes by answering an NBA survey for best player at each position.  While GM’s most definitely have expertise at their disposal that we “the fans” simply do not, some of their survey picks beg to be questioned.

One such case involves their pick for best point guard in the league.  Deron Williams for the first time has won over Chris Paul in this categorical vote.  Williams received 50 percent of the votes to Paul’s 36 percent.  Granted, Paul played in just 45 games last year due to injury. 

This, however, should not have been a deterrent for the GMs picking Paul, who has fully recovered going into the 2010-11 season.  It’s not like he pulled a "Chris Bosh" by not playing games even after receiving the doctor’s OK, because he WAS genuinely injured. 

Furthermore, an analysis of Paul’s stats reveal that he was on top of his game when he did play, and beat Williams out in almost every statistical category.  Paul’s dominance over Williams is nothing new, as Williams' stats have been ...

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